Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chasing spirits

Home decoration and stained-glass, slowly losing their idyllic charm. "Come on, honey, don't be silly. You don't need to earn money to be independent". Fumes of five spices mix with the screams of little Jackie and little Tyler as the mirage reappears, in her cooking pot.

Perched on the edge of the diving board, She tries to shake off the hangover from last night. Always at the top. Of things. Of the corporate ladder {nice little corner office}. Of the mountain she trekked last weekend with the blue-eyed boy {her blue-eyed boy too}. Of the metaphorical world as she does a graceful back flip and dives neatly into the ice-cold water {visions of heaven swimming in her head}. Just as well she didn't learn how to swim, to be invincible would be a curse.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My night

My starry night my friend my lindor dark you mean much more than I admit in my silly jokes and my constant avoidance of phone calls

Something died... Yet another anniversary. I begin to feel I am jinxed, forebearing closure to everything that I have begun. I suppose I should feel excited about the new job. Sigh, alright.

Each cell in my body, physically, feels heavy. The mouth is dry from too much Pinot Noir and a mouthful of sweet Reisling. Lead fingers type on the cotton keyboard, and numerous typos and meticulous corrections are in order.

And what can I say about the little one who does so many things. And about the one who calls me "my dear mad one" but has not proposed yet. And of the one who tells me that he can bear at most one coversation with me every quarter.


All forts. (Never let them tell you that they're all the same)

Flattered. And battered.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mon Esprit...

...est une maison de chocolat.

In so many flavours.
Rasberry infused,
Rainbow-sprinkle covered,
A whole roasted almond-centered,
Sometimes just plain.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Games people play

(And I tell you I don't want something when I really do want it because you don't want it as bad as I do and hope that my not wanting it makes you want it more)

Sometimes I think the only way to be really successful is to play along, but that's just wrong, just wrong.

I hate this thing they call the real world. But a bouchon or two usually makes it all better :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


The leaf falls, noiselessly like in the painting that beat Seurat's. The boulder fell, a hundred years before my birth with a deafening crash. The angry flames at the campfire, doused with propane, leapt upward in the shape of a maple leaf and fell crackling into the sky. A tree fell, perhaps with a thud, forming a bridge across troubled waters.

Winter crept silently into the tent at night and three dare-devil (albeit cold) babies slept in the colour factory, as a red fox watched on.

Back for good

And pray, why were you away for so long?

We were getting reborn as two different people, one green and one blue, one better and one worse. We were also looking to get employed, playing tetris, spending time with lovely mother, and being reprimanded for inconsistencies.