Sunday, November 8, 2009

Le sigh

Was I unsurprised? I shouldn't have been. Was I in my senses? I couldn't have been.

Dreams do come true. They momentarily shatter your reality. They don't allow you to enjoy perfect New York weather, instead making you curl up as if it is dark and windy outside.

Dreams do come true, and it is neither sparkling nor magical. Nothing, not even the spell you weave with words about being a gaijin can shake me out of my misery. It is like that time the Bombay local train ticket checker looked at me funny, not believing me when I said I really had lost my ticket and tearing a fine for Rs. 175. It made me go red in the face. Except this time I AM guilty, and no one caught me. My face is flushed warm and my hands are cold and I hate it. Funnily, I never thought this sort of thing could disturb me. I, who can neatly deconstruct a relationship, did not see this coming.

You know what my problem is? I (beep)ing* never see anything coming.

But I have a plan. This time, there will be no rewind and repeat, I promise.

(* Yes, even in my insanity, I do not lose sense of propriety - That's part of the plan. Cursing is for losers anyway.)


morning glory said...

One should be careful about promising these things. Of course, there is little one can do with resolutions apart from declaring them earnestly to the universe. It is good enough for me that you mean them to begin with but then I am too lenient for my own good.

mad said...

Please don't say that, I will make it happen.