Sunday, May 3, 2009


What a wonderful day Hey that bunny Rabbit looks like a Cloud i Mean that cLoud looks Like a bunny rabbit oops Was I actually staring at that guy's crotch I didn't mean to. there's something about passing a laundromat on a summer day so Refreshing! breathe in Honey nuts always smell better than they taste but the wafting aroma always fool me into buying some Poetry slam! how wonderful did I already say that I love this city it makes me smile I should make something involving jalapenos and cheese Umm maybe right now I'm in the mood for a drink by the way avocado juice is a pretty good concept but it doesn't quench thirst Limca is the only soft drink that does Like someone sang sad movies always make me cry yes that was Sue Thompson the girl who told me about her also told me about strawberries and cream and we tried to make some on a weekday afternoon but it didn't turn out well Ahem the things that I did on weekday afternoons Stitching Tight skirts from frilled ones and papier-mâché and raw custard and paper-burning Dacoits and the tickle monster and swimming lessons with palani sir and harish sir in blue water that occasionally turned green by those stupid kids with no bladder control Was I one of them if there were three things I could choose it would be food music and travel I think I have nothing new to say really but I'm lucky to have friends who like me despite that you know what CHEMISTRY is It's sharing a private joke.

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